Speaking Topics: Women in Ministry

Gardens of Faith (for PW’s) – We have a special calling to work along side our shepherd husbands in the garden of the church. With that calling comes special care required for survival. We’ll explore ways to cultivate, plant and harvest in our own setting without neglecting the home-garden.

They Are Worth The Risk   – There’s no doubt being a pastor today is an extremely difficult calling.  People change churches like they change shoes, searching for what’s comfortable.   Gretchen has discovered there is no pain we have experienced in ministry that has not been endured by our loving Savior.  She shares ways to support your pastor-husband and the key to loving the people you serve.

Pastor’s Wives:  We’re not just Playing Organ Anymore – What is today’s role of the pastor’s wife?  Can she a partner in ministry?  How can she feel like a part of the ministry team and still take care of her family?  Gretchen shares her personal struggles and triumphs as a pastor’s wife.  Our role is more than keeping the parsonage clean, but not more than what God calls us to do.